learn (and stick with) a simple practice that will help you connect with your intuition, feel more confident, and create greater ease in your family life

Why track your cycle?

If you have a menstrual cycle, it is impacting every area of your life every day*. From your energy levels and how patient you are with your kids to how much you get done and the kind of sex you want to have. Tracking your cycle only takes two minutes a day and it can make all the difference in creating a life that actually feels good and finally brings a sense of flow into your family life.

*Don’t believe me? I recommend this podcast episode!

Listen to Moira, okay?

Track Your Cycle! is a free 5-day mini course that will teach you how to:

  • Understand the basics of how your cycle works that you’ll need for charting

  • Harness the powerful benefits of cycle charting even if you don’t currently have or have never had a menstrual cycle

  • Find the cycle charting method that works for you and helps you meet your goals

  • Design a cycle charting practice you look forward to and actually stick with

  • Know exactly what to write each time you sit down to do your cycle charting

  • Tips to get the most out of your cycle charting and stick with it over time, so you actually get the benefits

Cycle charting is a simple but powerful way to deeply understand yourself, your body, and your values, so you can align your life with what's right for you and your family. Sign up for Track Your Cycle! and we'll make this practice a reliable part of your life.

You’ll receive your first lesson the day after you sign up and a new one will dance its way into your inbox each day for a total of five lessons.

© Sarah Starrs, 2024. All Rights Reserved.