This group coaching experience will help you shift into a parenting paradigm (and whole way of life) that puts ease, connection, and joy at its centre.

If you feel overwhelmed and burnt out from always being pulled in so many directions…

If you’re so exhausted that you can barely enjoy the little things in your (arguably amazing!) life…

If it feels impossible to look after yourself in a way that will make even a tiny dent in your fatigue…

If you yearn for a way of life that honours the natural world and all of the wisdom she has to offer…

…then I created Full Bloom for you.

This group coaching experience will help you shift into a parenting paradigm, and whole way of life, that puts ease, connection, and joy at its centre.

I know you’re done with:

  • Constantly scraping the bottom of your metaphorical bucket

  • Feeling like a shadow of your former self

  • Not even being able to enjoy the little things because you’re so exhausted

  • Never having enough time to get everything done

You’re tired of:

  • Feeling unable to take care of yourself in a way that would make a meaningful difference to how you feel

  • Always taking care of everyone else and never having enough time for yourself

  • Being so exhausted that it prevents you from being the parent you really want to be

  • Not feeling fully fulfilled by your life, even though it’s arguably pretty awesome

What would it feel like to…

  • clearly understand how your needs and energy fluctuate throughout the month, so that you can work in alignment with your natural cycle and feel connected to the essence of who you are?

  • have a rock solid connection with your intuition and feel confident that you’re making the right choices for your family?

  • understand a simple process for using your menstrual cycle to bring any goal or intention to life while honouring your energy levels?

  • learn simple, totally doable practices that help you feel more nourished, rested, and joyful

  • live in integrity with your values and the more beautiful world your heart knows is possible, trusting that your daily actions are contributing to a more just society?

  • find deep fulfilment from your day-to-day life and what you’re creating in the world?

There’s something deep in your bones that knows this other way is possible. But what does it take to step into this new paradigm?

Hey, I get it. I’m a parent who ran head first into burn out by approaching gentle parenting the way I thought I “should”.

My understanding of the menstrual cycle helped me to find a sustainable rhythm for our family life and create a new parenting paradigm that supports parents to live in alignment with their unique flow.

Enter: The Cyclic Parenting Framework.

Our menstrual cycles are naturally regenerative and can guide us to lives based on ease, joy, connection, and spaciousness

Hi! I’m Sarah!

I’m a cycle coach for parents who have periods.

People work with me because they’re feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and like there’s never enough time. They yearn for a better way to balance their full, wonderful lives without their day-to-day commitments and their deepest desires feeling like soul sucking drudgery. The Cyclic Parenting Framework acts as a compass, helping you find your unique path to a totally different way of living and parenting.

What My Clients Say

  • "I have a much deeper and intuitive sense of my cycle and am able to respond to my needs more effectively because of this. I am allowing my cycle to be what it is and accepting how it flows throughout my month. I wouldn't change anything about the program. I loved this experience and will continue to be learning about this process and coming back to these teachings for many months/years."

    - Meryn Addison

  • "Before beginning coaching, I was struggling with integrating menstrual cycle awareness into my family life. In theory, it's nice, but in reality, with four kids, it felt like an unattainable dream, something only child-free people could enjoy. Cycle coaching changed my perspective and allowed me to see the things I COULD control and change, even just one small tweak, to improve my experience of my cycle while wrangling kids. You were a gentle, calming presence that brought me back in touch with myself and my own needs, while giving welcomed suggestions. Since coaching, I have noticed a greater sense of kindness towards myself and freedom to be the mom I am that day energetically, and to shift my family time if possible to better align with my cycle and my needs. Now, I am able to notice before I become dysregulated and take a moment to myself, acknowledge I have needs as well, and regulate before engaging with my kids. That's the goal, right!?I am very thankful to have had this experience, and would highly recommend any cycling parents reach out to you!"

    Erin Rohr

  • "Since beginning our work together I have a deeper knowledge of my cycle and how it affects me mentally, emotionally and physically. I've gained a much deeper sense of self-compassion than I was expecting to find. I now have a clearer idea of who I am, and I've found the confidence to start planning life even more around my own unique cycle. I now have the feeling that my cycle is perfect for me, and doesn’t need fixing. Like we’ve spoken about recently, the kindness and compassion towards myself that I’ve started naturally feeling has been the biggest surprise for me. It’s still a surprise as it’s very different to how I have felt before. I’m surprised how quickly my cycle has really started to regulate and become more predictable.”

    Laurie Kynaston

  • "Sarah was a calm and intuitive guide who held space for me really beautifully through a difficult time in my life. Our calls were time just for me in my busy child and work-filled week, where I knew I would be met with warmth, understanding and kindness, as well as feel challenged! Sarah held that balance really well. I’ve come away more connected to my own inner rhythms and am weaving them into our bigger family rhythm, with my wellbeing at the core.”

    Lisa Harmer

  • “Working with Sarah is like applying a healing balm over your soul.”

    Amanda Clayson

What’s Included:

  • 6 pre-recorded workshops where we’ll deep dive into the pillars of the Cyclic Parenting Framework, including why they’re so important, many different ways to apply them to your life, and exercises for adapting them to your unique circumstances

  • 6 monthly group coaching sessions where you get personalized support in implementing that month's topics

  • Two group coaching calls during our last month together where we’ll be focused on deeply integrating everything we’ve learned in the program and you’ll have the chance to get even more personalized support

  • A members’ portal with practices to implement between calls so that you can incorporate that pillar of the Cyclic Parenting framework in a way that is unique to you and your family

  • A private community space where you’ll have the chance to connect with one another, ask questions, access additional resources, and access the special magic that comes with going through this journey with others who are on a similar path

  • The opportunity to participate in a listening partnership with another participant in order to more deeply process and integrate everything you’re learning

Full Bloom

A group coaching program for stepping into your main character energy, embodying the deep wisdom of your cycle, & finally feeling like you again.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Month 1: Menstrual Cycle Awareness Deep Dive

Together we’ll uncover what your body and your cycle have been communicating to you all this time, so that you can understand what will help you live with a greater sense of ease and flow. I’ll help you establish the most foundational, unique-to-you cycle tracking habit (that takes just two minutes per day) so we can start getting the powerful cyclic intel we need to make bringing your intention to fruition elegant and sustainable.

Month 2: Nourishing the menstrual ecosystem.

Our menstrual cycle is a “vital sign,” just like your temperature and respiratory rate, meaning it’s an important indicator of your overall health. We’ll be integrating simple, high impact practices that will support your overall menstrual cycle and have powerful ripple effects to your sense of vitality and wellbeing.

Month 3: Crafting rhythms that support the whole family.

Family rhythms are an essential part of the Cyclic Parenting Framework as they’re an incredibly powerful way to support our children and ourselves. We’ll work on crafting rhythms that bring a sense of ease and flow to your family life. Through this framework we’ll ensure life is more aligned with your cycle and your values, and that you reclaim heaps of your energy so that you can pour some of it back into yourself.

Month 4: Mining for gold.

Throughout this month you’ll be learning a powerful process that you can repeat again and again to make small changes in your life to come into greater alignment with the cycles and rhythms of your body. This is the key to living in a way that naturally gives you more energy and allows you to create the life you want without feeling like you need fifteen cups of coffee to get through the day (thank goodness!). You’ll get personalized advice for interpreting the patterns that have come through in your cycle charting. We’ll get clear intel about your deepest needs and desires, and what messages are being communicated through your body. From there we’ll plan out small, simple tweaks to bring more joy, connection, and ease to your family life in a way that is sustainable and easy to implement. And through this process, you’ll understand how to continually check-in with your cycle and understand its messages in a practical, actionable way.

Month 5: The healing magic of seasonal living.

This module is focused on bringing a reverence for the season's into our family life through simple rhythms and rituals. Connecting intimately with the outer seasons is a powerful way to deepen our relationship with our inner seasons while connecting to something bigger than ourselves. My clients often report this work as fostering a deeper sense of connection, belonging, and meaning in their lives while weaving more joy and beauty into their lived experiences. It also provides an embodied experience of the seasons for our children and partners, who may not menstruate, and gives them a new access to our cyclic experience. 

Month 6: Self-care and inner work for a better world.

The key to a joyful, connected family life is being well-resourced as a parent. But how are we meant to feel filled up and centered when we don't even get to pee by ourselves? I'll be sharing important mindset shifts and practical, totally doable methods for weaving self-care into your life consistently so that you are able to give to your family from your overflow, rather than constantly scraping the bottom of your metaphorical bucket. We’ll also make space this month to process any difficult feelings that come up in relation to your cycle, so that your relationship with it feels supportive and joyful.

Month 7: Integration

This is where we weave it all together into the cyclic parenting lifestyle that is unique to you and your family. You’ll be given heaps of personalized support, guidance, and the chance to ask any lingering questions so that you know you’re leaving the program with lifelong rhythms to support yourself and your family to thrive.

Your Investment:

$750 USD pay in full or $150 USD x 6 monthly payments

ou will get access to some introductory materials upon sign-up. Our opening ceremony will take place on Beltane, May 1, 2024. The normal rhythm of the program will commence the following week on May 6.


  • Once registration has closed, I will send out an intake questionnaire, including asking about your availability for the live calls. I will then set dates + times that will accommodate the greatest number of participants. If we have participants in many time zones, we can alternate the dates and times they take place so there’s always at least one call per month you can take part in. All calls will be recorded and the replays available the following day, and you will have the opportunity to submit questions beforehand if you’re not able to join live.

  • Probably! I had a deep, intimate understanding of my cycle when I became a mother but my cycle changed drastically and so did my day-to-day life (that’s putting it mildly, right?). I felt like I was re-learning everything about my cycle (and the rest of my life!). We will be exploring menstrual cycle awareness specifically through the lens of parenting and finding ways to meet our needs as time-poor mamas. Furthermore, The Cyclic Parenting Framework goes beyond menstrual cycle awareness to incorporate seasonal living, family rhythms, inner work, and self-care to holistically transform our experience of family life.

  • Cycle awareness and cyclic living can be a powerful way of navigating pregnancy and postpartum. But they have their own very distinct cycles and rhythms from the menstrual cycle work that will form the foundations of this program. I love working with pregnant and postpartum parents in my 1:1 coaching work, so that may be a better fit for you. Or if I have enough interest in The Cycles of Pregnancy and Postpartum group coaching program, I am really happy to set that up, so send me an e-mail if that would interest you.

  • No, this course is for every parent who menstruates. It will guide you in using your cycle as a compass for how you showing up as a parent, as well as nourishing yourself in the ways you need most. In fact, as you better understand your cycle, you will have many insights of how to apply this information to your work as well.

  • Definitely. Even within cycles that are unpredictable in length, you will be able to decipher patterns that will lead to a greater self-awareness and understanding of your own inner seasons. And I can teach you powerful tools for gaining a deeper understanding of your cycles and predicting with greater accuracy when your period will arrive.